Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Oh what a night...

Today is really the LAST day of the summer course Jonathan was here to teach. This afternoon, the students had a presentation of their work they have done over the last 7 weeks.

The event was held at an old bank building that was rented for the occasion. All the students from three different courses gathered for this final presentation - architecture and design, which Jonathan taught, furniture design, and textile design. The architecture students presented their plans and models, and while they are pretty interesting, the furniture students seem to always steel the show with the presentation of their chairs. You can sit on most of the chairs (some chairs had "DO NOT SIT" signs on them), so Mio and Yuto had fun trying out different kinds of chairs. Some are very unique and interesting. It is pretty amazing how the students came up with the design and actually built those beautiful chairs in less than two months.

After the presentation, it was party time! As I wrote in my post yesterday, the party this year was held at the courtyard of our apartment building. Everybody was happy and relaxed that the course is over, and it was a very nice atmosphere where the faculties awarded the students whose works were outstanding, and everybody was just congratulating each other for getting through the tough course. And boy did the kids had fun! In fact, I was hardly with them during the four hours we were there. The students played with them, carried them, fed them, danced with them... We stayed till 10:00 pm and the kids still did not want to leave. 

Awarding ceremony.

What's that on your cheek??? 

Some of the students told me that the 7 weeks went by like a blink. For me, perhaps not as a quick as a "blink", but it went pretty quick as well. Now that Jonathan will be "off duty", we will have some relaxing time as a family to enjoy the last week in Denmark.


  1. Ahaha... Yuto is such a lady killer. Already collecting kisses!

    1. I know! You don't see it in this picture, but he's got another one on the other side, too!
